Deep Cleaning Tips for Vacation Rentals: Making Your Jacksonville Home Sparkle

Deep Cleaning Tips for Vacation Rentals: Making Your Jacksonville Home Sparkle

What do you think vacationers want from accommodation more than anything else? It's not Wi-Fi, AI-powered bookings, or even amazing views. A survey found that what frequent travelers want more than anything else is a clean place to stay.

To achieve the level of cleanliness guests want, more is required than a quick dust and vacuum after they have gone. Follow our deep cleaning tips for vacation rentals to get your Jacksonville, FL, home sparkling and inviting.

Prioritize Carpets and Upholstery

Spills are always going to happen in vacation rentals, and you can bet your bottom dollar it'll be grape juice or red wine that's sprayed across your soft furnishings. That's why you need a rental property cleaning plan that goes into action after every rental period.

Each time, your cleaning crew must:

  • Spot treat minor stains
  • Vacuum and steam upholstery and carpets to keep them fresh
  • Call in professional carpet and upholstery cleaners if there are serious issues

Additionally, you should schedule deep cleaning of carpets and furniture every three to six months to keep them looking their best. Following the cleaning checklist above will also help keep your home smelling fresh.

Focus on Bathrooms

Few things gross guests out more than gruesome bathrooms. It's not just the toilet, sink, tub, and shower that need regular deep cleans. You also need to make sure the grout is regularly treated, keeping mold at bay.

To deep clean a bathroom:

  • Soak the toilet bowl in vinegar
  • Scrub it to remove all stains
  • Remove soap scum and limescale from around the sink faucet
  • Clean and sanitize the shower head, removing limescale

Get Into Kitchen Nooks and Crannies

Spills, splashes, and food crumbs can quickly become a vacation rental maintenance nightmare. They can also become food sources for ants and other pests. You need a robust kitchen cleaning checklist to keep your appliances running smoothly and keep your kitchen appealing to guests.

It should include:

  • Stovetop
  • Vent hood
  • Oven - interior and racks
  • Dishwasher filter and spray arm deep clean
  • Floor - scrub and polish
  • Clean and deodorize microwave

The kitchen is generally the heart of the home, and the same is true in a vacation property. Make sure that families feel confident to cook and gather in this spotless space.

Move the Furniture

Occasionally, you might get away with vacuuming or mopping around the furniture. But it's not a habit you should promote among your cleaning team. It's important to move furniture before dust starts to accumulate, causing allergies and other issues.

Include this in your deep cleaning rental guide for your cleaning crew and start as you mean to go on.

Let PMI Jacksonville Apply Deep Cleaning Tips for Vacation Rentals

Do these deep cleaning tips for vacation rentals sound like a lot of work? The thought of either doing the work yourself or managing a cleaning crew can be overwhelming. Thankfully, there's an easier and better way.

PMI Jacksonville's short-term rental management services can do all the heavy lifting. From providing Jacksonville rental tips and insights to overseeing cleaning, our clients can sit back and watch the rentals flow into their accounts.

Learn more about our services and request a quotation today.
